chief science officer
Welcome, Dr Molly Tov
Department Head Notes
Cybernetics and Biosynthesis
Interface building in progress. Available references require adjustment.
Quantum Mechanics denied our proposal to recreate the aesthetic experience of a nebula in the Mess Hall, citing "grave safety concerns" and "is that even legal?" Comments taken under advisement. Will talk to the quartermaster about clearing Cargo Bay 2 instead.
Photonic Applications
Our research on low-res subspace visual communications: inconclusive. Recommend additional studies.
Also, the interdepartmental lo-fi jams competition is this evening. You're going DOWN, Geosciences!
Temporal Mechanics
20th-century Earth is still the coolest. (Temporal Investigations staff are strongly advised to avoid the early 21st century, however.) Will forward our findings to the Galactic History department at Daystrom for patterns analysis.
CC Ops: can we add some flaming skull gifs to the LCARS interface?
>>Ops: No.
Species 5618 continues to "adjust" to its environment in the weirdest ways possible. Prolonged observation is causing acute stress symptoms in Geosciences and Anthropology personnel, especially those assigned to listening posts. Recommend doubling shore leave when we reach Starbase 95.
We'll see you in hell, Photonics!
Personnel are reminded that regular socialization is a necessary part of maintaining one's health. 10-Forward is available for more than drinking! You may certainly socialize about projects, but have you considered also discussing the occasional hobby?
This is your final warning. If one more crewmember shows up in sickbay complaining of space depression, I will airlock the lot of you.
Can someone please feed the targ?
Lieutenant Commander Tov, you are due for holodeck cleaning duty at 1900 today in consequence of last week's incident on Deep Space 7. You know what you did. - Cmdr. Hayden